Benefit Spotlight

Stay Healthy Through the Holidays

It’s no secret that despite all the magical moments, the holidays can be a stressful time of year. Amidst the celebrations, lights, and decorations, sometimes the stress of shopping, planning, and traveling can take its toll. But regardless of the source of your holiday stress, there are a number of things you can do to prioritize your health and well-being during this “most wonderful time of the year.”

Find Your Calm

It can be difficult to find time to relax and unwind during the busyness of the holiday season. However, it’s important to prioritize your mental health. The Calm app provides a range of tools to help you slow down and find balance in the chaos. Whether you’re looking for guided meditations, breathing exercises, or sleep stories, the Calm app has something for you. You can even complete online well-being assessments, or receive a 20-minute virtual consultation. A free premium subscription is available to you and your enrolled dependents.

Fuel Your Body

The holidays are often one of the hardest times of year to fuel your body with nutritious foods, but with a few changes, you’ll be on your way to your healthiest holiday yet! Unfortunately, overindulgence in sugar and alcohol can negatively affect you in a number of ways, from your mood to your blood sugar. One of the best ways to avoid this is by eating plenty of vegetables and protein before heading to events where you know the dessert table will be front and center. When you’re filling up a plate, be sure to start with nutritious food, and then enjoy the treats without guilt!

Looking for additional support and inspiration in healthy eating this holiday season?

Wondr Health can help you foster mindful eating habits, achieve weight loss, and improve your sleep. Access video master classes, mindful eating tools, and more!

Quantum Health Condition Management matches you with a Care Coordinator who can help support you in finding doctors and nutritionists who can work with your unique needs and help you manage your weight and build healthier habit.

Stay Active

Between the cold weather and your never-ending to-do list, it can be easy to make excuses regarding exercise around the holidays. However, it’s just as important—if not more so—to stay active during this season. Moving your body improves both your physical and mental health, so what are you waiting for? Choose an at-home workout from our library of exercise videos. Browse the Exercise and Fitness link under “Browse By Topic.” This resource offers many recorded exercise classes that you can do at home, with little to no equipment. Try yoga, a no-equipment ab workout, or breathing exercises today.

Manage Financial Stress

Money can be a significant source of stress around the holidays. One of the best ways to reduce this is to plan ahead, have realistic expectations, and stick to your budget. Let Fidelity help with a budget checkup. Having the tools to keep you on the right track financially will help you feel merry and calm throughout the season.