Hypertension Management

Make changes that matter.

Treating hypertension (high blood pressure) involves lifestyle changes. That’s why Lennox provides personal support programs to help you and your covered eligible adult dependents live well – at no additional cost.


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Benefit Features

Effectively manage high blood pressure with Omada Health’s personalized 1-on-1 coaching and expert support services. Participants will also be provided free smart devices for monitoring their blood pressure readings.

If you and/or your adult dependents are enrolled in Lennox’s medical plan, you can access Omada’s hypertension management services at no additional cost. You must meet the eligibility requirements to participate.

Program benefits include:
  • 24/7 access to a certified hypertension specialist
  • A digitally connected blood pressure monitor
  • An integrated app that monitors, records, and organizes all of your readings
  • A dedicated health coach and care team
  • Personalized programs to fit your needs and your lifestyle
  • And much more!
It just takes a few minutes to register, and your free Welcome Kit will be shipped to your doorstep. Sign up today by visiting go.OmadaHealth.com/Lennox.

NOTE: If you previously participated in the Livongo program, you will need to actively register for Omada to access hypertension management benefits.

You and your covered eligible dependents enrolled in the Lennox medical plan can receive personalized assistance through Quantum Health’s One-on-One Support Program to help manage the treatment of certain chronic conditions including hypertension.

Visit the Quantum Health page to learn more.

Keep in Mind

Physical activity is an essential part of managing high blood pressure. Talk with your doctor for ideas on how to get started and how to be safe when you’re being active.

You can also log into LIIveWell, your free employee wellness program, to set daily goals and track your long-term progress.

Get the App

The Omada Health app gives you the best program experience, making it even easier for you to stay engaged and make progress.
App Store | Google Play

Additional Information


Learn about Omada Health’s virtual hypertension care solutions.
If you have a chronic condition, Quantum Health’s One-on-One Support Program can help you make informed decisions about your health and empower you to live well.