Benefit Spotlight

Keep yourself and your family healthy this season.

A flu shot can lower your chances of getting sick or infected and help you avoid a bad flu this year.

The flu is a common and highly contagious respiratory illness caused by an influenza (flu) infection. Those with chronic illnesses, pregnant women, and young children are especially vulnerable. Make sure you’re prepared BEFORE flu spreads with these helpful tips.

Flu Prevention Tips
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Cover sneezes and cough.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Clean and sanitize surfaces.
  • Pay attention to overall health.
  • Practice good health habits – stay physically active, manage stress, hydrate, eat nutritious food, and get plenty of sleep!
Have a question? Need support? Your Quantum Health Nurse Care Coordinators can help with:
  • Responding to any questions or concerns you may have about the flu shot.
  • Guiding you to nearby locations that provide the flu shot.
  • Confirming your coverage for the flu shot and other recommended immunizations.
Click here to learn more.