Benefit Spotlight

Keep Up with Your Child’s Eye Exams

Did you know school vision screenings miss up to 75% of children with vision problems?

According to the American Optometric Association (AOC) these screenings are lacking and give less than 4% of the information provided by a comprehensive pediatric eye exam.
A comprehensive eye exam should be on every child’s back-to-school checklist, and here are a few fast facts from the AOC to help you champion your children’s eye care.

  • Much of a child’s learning is visual. How well can your child see? If you don’t know, it’s time for a comprehensive eye exam.
  • Blurry vision is not the only reason to have an eye exam. Your child could have difficulty using both eyes together, a critical reading skill, and you might not know. Back to school means it’s time to get a comprehensive eye exam.
  • Undetected and untreated vision problems can elicit some of the very same signs and symptoms commonly attributed to attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. A yearly comprehensive eye exam can help make the right diagnosis for your child’s needs.

Click here for more information.