Hypertension Management

Make changes that matter.

A healthy lifestyle, diet, and regular exercise are the keys to managing and lowering hypertension.

Lennox medical plan members and their eligible dependents have access to free programs that help them reach their target health goals and make lasting lifestyle changes.


Benefit Features

Effectively manage high blood pressure with Omada Health’s personalized 1-on-1 coaching and expert support services. Participants will be provided free smart devices to monitor their blood pressure readings.

If you and/or your adult dependents are members of Lennox’s medical plan, you can access Omada’s hypertension management services at no cost (no referral required), but you must meet certain criteria.

Program benefits include:
  • Virtual access to health coaches and Certified Diabetes Care Specialists
  • Personalized programs to fit your needs and your lifestyle
  • A free digitally connected blood glucose meter
  • An unlimited supply of free test strips
  • A free wireless smart weight scale
  • Omada’s integrated mobile app to monitor, record, and organize all of your readings
  • Nutrition guidance and weight loss resources
  • And so much more!
To see if you qualify, visit go.OmadaHealth.com/Lennox. Eligible participants will receive a FREE Welcome Kit.

Lennox medical plan members and their covered dependents can work directly with a Quantum Health Care Coordinator to get personalized assistance to help manage your hypertension diagnosis.

In addition to connecting you with the best in-network doctors, your Quantum Health Care Coordinator can offer advice for tracking your symptoms, improving your lifestyle, and finding healthy ways to manage stress.

Keep in Mind

Emotional health is essential to managing high blood pressure. A healthy approach to stress management will allow you to maintain resilient mental health. Remember, Calm Premium is free for all employees.

You can also log into LIIveWell, your free online wellness program, to set daily goals and track your progress.

Get the App

The Omada Health app makes it even easier for you to make progress towards your health goals.
App Store | Google Play

Additional Information


Learn about Omada Health’s virtual hypertension care solutions.